A very interesting show on Earshot by Catherine Merchant discussing the growing problem within Australian society of delinquency amongst Australian youth. Catherine mentions in the program which I have always personally suspected, that marketing has a great deal to do with this problem, wether it be a toy company, corporation, artisan you name it, all trying to convince you that the merchandise they have, you need, which obviously we do not, the majority of the time.
We are completely and utterly bombarded with this nonsense, it is actually nothing more than a legal form of brainwashing, supported by government and business as these two are the benefactors of this malevolent and society altering campaign. This creates a society based on material needs rather than the social needs we require to be mentally healthy, it creates obsession, illness, and destroys the stillness our mind requires daily to function to it's fullest.
Of which boredom is one of the beginning signs of an illness within the mind.
A society hellbent of the end product rather than the process. This is the new generation of the marketing babies that we have all collectively participated in creating… We reap what we sew.