Cosmic Divination - Installation ADi & Toyah Perry
Installation Analysis & Aesthetic
Images and stories depicting our cosmic ancestry are scattered throughout the worlds natural areas as well as documented in the world’s libraries. These legends may vary slightly however they teach the same overall knowledge, that of the ‘star beings’ visiting earth since time immemorial.
I would take this prognosis a step further and suggest this planet and more than likely thousands if not millions more like it have been propagated/terraformed by many separate life forms throughout our ‘known’ universe. Unfortunately mainstream science and religion has deceived and mislead humanity for at least the last 1000 years, cloaking the true nature of you and I as beings and the infinite complexity of the universe around us.
This installation is a shrine and observation to our universe through the use of symbolic deities, rings of divination, gifts fallen to earth from what some would call magicians*, deities or even gods.
Grant me a wish,
To create a world in which gods divine stones rain upon the surface,
Where an object will not falter from its chosen path,
Annihilation and creation are singular.
*Arthur C Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.